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Designing Cross-Platform Mobile Application with Cloud Architecture Training during November 28-30, 2016

Date: November 28-30, 2016 Venue: IMC Institute, Sakulthai BLDG., Surawong Rd. Instructor: Mr. Teerathai Laothong, IMC Institute

A.Tanakom attended in training of designing cross-platform mobile application with cloud architecture training and shared with us what he learned as follows:

Cross development platform is very important to help developers in reduce of development time and gather with success to apply in every business. In what we have learned before, we still use silo approach to develop in different platforms, for instance, IOS uses X Code, Android uses Java Android Studio, and Windows uses Visual Studio. The advantage from what we use these tools above is there are all components provided that specific only one platforms in coding. Disadvantage is we have to swap these tools in order to create new one again when customers require new platform. It requires time consuming to develop each application in each platform. In case of write once, run anywhere platform, there are Lua, Java Script, Action Script, and HTML+CSS as usual. But the limitation also include such as limited native API access, slow performance, and poor user experience. The way what they share to us is find the new solution to use shared development tools with C#, called XAMARIN. It can support developers to reduce the time of coding to several mobile platforms and better user experience in UI. There are other tools provided such as Phone Gap, Cordova, and Ionic 2. They also suggest some additional tools to develop with NativeScript, Ionic, and XAMARIN. XMARIN has some disadvantages that consumes much resources for computers. It need high performance to setup this tool. It does not support Windows 7 which requires .Net Framework 4.6.1 and over, and requires Visual Studio Community for Windows 10. It also has edition for Mac OSX. Cloud computing in nowadays, users in Thailand will leave their own data center to use cloud increasingly. The reason is high maintenance cost, Thai flood, and political protest. Cloud can perform users increasing in business continuity but Thai government still be afraid how it secures with their own confidential data. Ionic is the most popular cross-platform with over 2 million developers in the world (based on web view). NativeScript is the good choices for native UI with user experience in cross-platform. Learn the demonstration of choosing one example cloud using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Service (AWS). The UI usage for Azure is easier than Amazon Web Service. But both of them require access fee and give a trial access for testing an environment. Learn the demonstration of deploying app to the server and run the website using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Service (AWS). Learn the setting up some requirements for Ionic platform (e.g. nvm and node.js). Learn how to create basic app with Ionic 2 platform. Need some more programming knowledges in HTML5 and JavaScript. They are all included by Ionic Native and Angular 2. There are extra service fees for cloud computing exclude monthly payment such as beginning fee and terminate fee. These charged fees are depended on data usage per minute. By concept, cloud and SOA are quite free form, not stick altogether with UI and database. We can separate infrastructure cloud of them and combine with SOA.